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Table of Contents for: Ye Are Gods by Annalee Skarin & Commentary by Reborn R. S. Whitefield →


Chapter XIV

Everything vibrates. Every molecule, every atom, every electron -- every Thought, every Emotion, every Word spoken. So what is the big deal about vibration? The answer seems to be everywhere in this book. As you read chapter fourteen you will begin to understand how and why vibration is of extreme importance.

"… symbols of earth grow daily less important under the searching eye of science, and we learn that all materials, all substance, all solids, all existing objects and things are only vibrations of light expressed on a material, or perhaps symbolical plane."

In this chapter, we are encouraged to maintain only thoughts that are harmonious with vibrations of the "highest" caliber. We must overcome the low vibrations of earthly, brute instincts -- which would include pompous self-righteousness. Much of this chapter is dedicated to convincing the reader of how very destructive self-righteousness is. It is a crucial tool of Satan – The Accuser.


Since the tangible things we hold to so desperately are only shadows that will not last, or vibrations, as science classifies them, let us take another step.

In this world, or stage of existence, we live by symbols. We use either written symbols or sound symbols to express every thought or feeling, or to identify every person, place or object. Words are only symbols. Names are only symbols. Our alphabet is only a host of small symbols that can be organized into words -- then words into sentences -- sentences into thoughts -- and thoughts into knowledge. God claims the title of the "A" and the "Z" of the alphabet, or the "Alpha and Omega" which includes all the other letters in between and can express or contain all knowledge.

Symbols only represent the things for which they stand, not the reality itself. Money is considered the most important factor in life by many because it represents power and security. Of itself, money has no value whatsoever, though through it, it is possible to purchase the comforts and luxuries of earth. Some have forgotten the true meaning behind the symbol, the blessing of plenty as a gift of God, and they worship the symbol instead. Thus the idol has become the god as it receives the tribute of adulation. Even grubby, wicked, ignorant, mediocre people who possess it are extolled and catered to by the ignorant, envying masses as they swagger through life holding aloft their symbol of self-importance and vulgar ostentation.

These symbols of earth grow daily less important under the searching eye of science, and we learn that all materials, all substance, all solids, all existing objects and things are only vibrations of light expressed on a material, or perhaps symbolical plane. There is as much difference between the symbol and the reality as there is between the letters of the alphabet and the great thoughts that can be woven into tangible form through those tiny little letters. Thus we have clung to our nursery blocks as the symbols of existence, instead of stepping into the realm of reality.

In the next stage of existence we may no longer use symbols but deal in the actual, eternal substance of vibration itself. The vibration of light and love will be the eternal elements of our existence -- and back of all vibration is the force of thought or intelligence that created the vibration originally.

When we arrive at the point where we will no longer be dealing in symbols but in eternal substance of thought and vibrations, each individual will be measured, not by what he has, or even by what he knows, or who he is, but by WHAT HE IS. He will find that he is the personification of all the thoughts and vibrations he created and sent forth in life.

Vibrations, even on this plane, play a much larger part in our lives than science has at the present time been able to weigh or measure. Evil, discordant thoughts are known positively to produce high blood pressure, to cause strokes and even death. Hate generated in an individual can bring all manner of illnesses and can most assuredly destroy life in time. Some people have dug their graves with their tongues, or their hateful, evil moods, nagging habits, uncontrolled evil thoughts of discord, jealousy, malice, self-pity or discontent. Individuals who permit moods of evil thoughts to rule them invariably develop physical handicaps and diseases, or at least old age and ugliness of features and expression. Asthma, heart ailments, liver troubles, cancer or any other physical discomfort can and have been developed by uncontrolled tempers and tongues. Hence Christ's continual admonition to those whom He healed, "Go thy way and sin no more lest a worse thing befall thee."

Unkind, domineering individuals, devoid of love or understanding carry their burdens with them, and their load is indeed heavy.

Happy, joyous thoughts send a rhythmic current of singing health vibrations surging through one in the same manner, and automatically keep the physical being in balance, for the physical body, if seen in its true spiritual or scientific sense, is vibration or Spirit. "For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fullness of joy. The elements are the tabernacle of God: yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples; and whatsoever temple is defiled, God shall destroy that temple."1 (D. & C. 93:33-35).

Cement can be poured into any shape desired, stone can be chiseled, but man has to be formed, slowly, thought by thought, word by word, act by act. Thus man himself is the book of life, for within him is engraved the complete record of all his thinking and his doings -- and he is the record and he is also the recorder.

Vibration is the eternal, actual substance of existence. Those who have created continual vibrations of evil and discord by their thinking and speaking habits will automatically inherit kingdoms of lower vibrations of darkness unless they turn to the light and begin to live in it and use it for their own transformation and advancement. Always behind the vibration is the power of the thought that released or created the vibration. Hence the great necessity of understanding and using the dynamic force of creation intelligently, that is stored in our minds and souls, for we are no more or less than the thoughts we hold and the vibrations we send out into the universe.

These are the things Christ was endeavoring to teach when He displayed the great gifts He was so anxious to bestow upon the inhabitants of the earth as soon as they were prepared to receive them; health, happiness, wealth, prosperity and not only power to rule conditions on this earth but power to reach out into the universe and assist in the realms of glory and dominion.

The smallest, loving child with its heart filled with trust will be far more important than the greatest scholar, scientist, artist, inventor or ruler who greedily clutches to himself personal glory at the sacrifice of others, who is selfish or unkind, distributing only vibrations of discord. Thus the admonition to worship "God with all one's might, mind and soul and to love one's neighbor as oneself," and "to forgive one's enemies." These contain the keys of glory and dominion and light and life and reach beyond earth into the spiritual realm of vibration, holding the very power of reality and creation.

It is human nature to desire everyone else to be perfect, while we love our own faults, or closing our eyes to them, walk a road of bigoted self-righteousness. This is human nature. But human nature can be conquered and glorified, as symbolized in the sphinx of Egypt. This ancient symbol has stood since the early ages of the world's history, signifying that the intelligence of man can rule over his animal instincts and passions -- and crowned with the ancient headdress of divinity survive and surmount all things, rising above the storms, triumphant forever. No earthly symbol can possibly hold more meaning than that message eternal, rising above the sands of time as a witness of the power within man.

It is our right and our privilege and within our power to rise above the low, mortal vibrations of earthly, animal instincts and transgressions with their confusion and discord if we are to inherit all that the Father has for us, which includes health, happiness, peace, joy, progress, achievement and glory. This does not mean just in eternity. It means here and now, above the sands of times, yet in our earthly sphere.

Self-righteousness is always wickedness. It is critical. It is bigoted. It is unChristlike. It is cruel. And surely it has no place in the highest realms of thought. To feel self-righteous one has to feel superior to his fellow men. He has to mentally place himself as judge over them, and view with condemning attitude their weaknesses.

This accusing business is very dangerous. In Revelations 12:10 we are given this startling bit of information: "And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, "Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of God, and the authority of his Anointed One because that accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night has been cast out."2 Thus we learn that Lucifer, or the devil was cast out of heaven because he saw no good in his brethren, even in heaven, but saw only their weaknesses. After a while he became all the evil he beheld in others and was cast out of the heavenly realms to the earth.

From the pure Greek original record we find that the word devil is translated or means accuser.

"Then the Jesus was led into the desert by the Spirit, to be tempted by the accuser.

"Then takes him the accuser in to the Holy City.

"Again takes him the accuser into a mountain high --

". . . Lord the God of thee thou shalt worship, and to him only thou shalt render service. Then leaves him the accuser." (Matt. 4:1, 5, 8, 10 and 11).

"God from me the having been accursed into the fire agelasting that having been prepared to the accuser and to the messengers of him."

Then in Luke the fourteenth chapter, verses 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13 also use the word accuser instead of devil.

"Those by the path are those hearing; then comes the accuser, and takes away the word from the heart of them." (Luke 8:12).

"Jesus answered them, did I not choose you, the Twelve, and one of you is an accuser?" or devil. (John 6:70).

"You are from your father, the accuser (or judger), and the lusts of your father you wish to do. He was a man-slayer from the beginning and has not stood in TRUTH. Because there is no truth in him." (John 8:44).

If within our hearts or minds there is the power to accuse, condemn, or judge or belittle our fellowmen then are we also accusers and will as surely lose the way of divine light and mercy as Lucifer did. If we express our criticizing thoughts in words then our fault is double.

Then there are those who will cheat their fellowmen to obtain money so they can make a big show before God, that they might give Him great donations, and take high seats in the congregations. This is mockery. "For behold, God hath said a man being evil cannot do that which is good; for if he offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real intent it profiteth him nothing."3 (Moroni 7:6). There are also those who preach fine sermons but who never live up to them. There are those who will work their hired men like slaves through the Sabbath that they themselves may be free to attend church and worship on the front seats. Such things are a double mockery before God and most certainly not acceptable unto Him.

The devotions of the most humble illiterate, meek, poorly individual plugging out his life in the factory or the fields is a greater glory to God than all the self-righteous offering of those who bask in their superior importance.

To be truly the greatest, one must be the servant of all -- not in self-righteous actions, but in love, in mercy, in compassion and tenderness of soul and meekness of heart. One must truly be "his brother's keeper," with a love that is far above "self." "He that is ordained of God and sent forth, the same is appointed to be the greatest, notwithstanding he is the least and the servant of all.

"Wherefore, he is possessor of all things; for all things are subject unto him, both in heaven and on the earth, the life and the light, the Spirit and the power, sent forth by the will of the Father through Jesus Christ, his Son.

"But no man is possessor of all things except he be purified and cleansed from all sin.

"And if ye are purified and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus and it shall be done."4 (D. & C. 50:26-29). Only such as have fulfilled these laws and received these powers can possibly consider themselves great -- and after they have received them they will feel themselves to be the least, and become most humble.

Below are listed a few of the unwritten laws that should be understood in order to perfect the earth and create vibrations that will glorify a world. They have never been written because no city, state or country has ever lived by them excepting the city of Enoch that was so perfect it was taken from the earth. Only by applying the higher laws can man hope to escape the reaping of the discord, the greed, the selfishness and wickedness that has been planted on the earth. These deeper, unwritten laws must begin to find a place in our way of life -- the laws of the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not as they are taught -- but as He lived them.

There are those who know just how to live the lives of others, their children, their parents, their brothers and sisters, their neighbors and acquaintances; in fact, everyone's life but their own. Sometimes to live to dominate the life of another can be worse than taking that individual's life by murder. The body may be preserved, but if the mind and the power to LIVE, to progress and to BE is destroyed then truly they are submerged in a condition far worse than death. Yes, there are many things worse than death -- to lose one's right to think and live as his inner soul dictates is much worse than a physical death. Children of God, filled with light, love, understanding and tenderness would never seek to force their minds or opinions upon others. That was Lucifer's way. He desired everyone of us to live just as he thought we should, both before we came to earth and now. But Lucifer will be destroyed along with the dictators of human conscience who imprison the minds of men.

There have been many more souls destroyed than saved by the righteous intentions of the domineering people who think they know how to live the lives of others, and then by force of will, begin to take over those lives. Life is a sacred thing -- and life itself is the right to BE, to live, to learn the hard way if necessary, but to gather experience in one's own way. Our precious word "freedom" came from two Anglo Saxon words, "Free doom". Yes, even complete free doom is any man's right who desires it. Advice is always the cheapest thing on earth -- and to force advice, through a domineering will is one of the most detrimental services ever rendered. Only true, unselfish love is of real value, love that can feel the need of others, and lovingly supply that need.

There have been so many unhappy homes and broken hearts caused by match-making relatives, parents and friends who have dared to take upon themselves one of the most sacred obligations of God.

Every individual on this earth has the right to live his own life, unrestricted by anyone as long as he is not trespassing on the lives and rights of others. All men are born free, and equal in this right, and any who have deprived another of this right will have to give an accounting for his usurpation of such authority.

"Let your light so shine before men that others seeing your good works may glorify your Father in Heaven." Letting one's light shine is a beautiful, tender admonition, and most certainly does not mean to take one's light and gouge it into others searing them with the burning flame of forced opinions. The method of force is always wrong, and is devoid of light and love, for love only can build truth into a glorious structure that will radiate a light that can be seen and desired by all. Any individual or people who would radiate that light would never need to go out to give it -- the world would come eagerly to seek it. The greatest sermons ever preached have never been put into words -- it can be a sermon of divine love portrayed in a simple act of kindness -- it can be a flaming glory of unexpressed joy singing from a man's soul -- it can be an understanding pat on the shoulder -- a smile -- a handclasp -- a thought.

Those who become wealthy through the labors of their fellow beings are dooming themselves into eternal slavery, for they will have to repay, and they shall not be free from the debt until they have repaid the utmost farthing of tortured service. Every individual working in any business or industry has the right to share in the profits of the establishment he helps to make successful by his labors. For every individual, or group of stockholders who gain their wealth through the underpaid, drab drudgery of their fellow men will regret it. And the time will come when they will throw their wealth into the canyons and the ravines and plead for the rocks to fall on them to blot out their lives and their crimes. Yet if the rocks did fall upon them it would only blot out their mortal lives, not the deeds they have committed. On the plane of higher, intensified vibration they will have to face the vibrations they set in action by their selfishness, their greedy and often dishonest procedures. Those things that were back of their actions, the selfish motives, the greed and dishonesty, the desire to rule above their fellowmen are vibrations that will continue into eternity and on forever until the repentance of the individual is sufficiently intense to recall those vibrations. Only the person who released such vibrations, who created them in the first place has the power to recall them -- to change and transmute them, and blot out the transgressions that have been committed. This power is the law and the gift Christ gave us -- the power to repent, which means "recall." This gift is unspeakable in its power, but is of no avail to the person who thinks that all that is necessary is to say he "believes in Jesus Christ." He must begin to live life as Christ lived it in order to use the gifts. Repentance is the power to "recall" the vibrations we have released in error and selfishness, through a burning desire to correct the mistakes. It is the gift Christ gave to a world, to every human being who desires it -- the power to have our sins and mistakes blotted out. It is a perfect glorious law -- the law by which we can overcome, and though our sins be as scarlet they might become white as snow. He gave us the law -- but we have to use it.

It is an eternal fact that we will have to abide in the very vibrations that we ourselves create -- thus we can dwell in heaven or hell, according to our works. We not only have to abide in those vibrations, but we become the vibrations that we create -- cement can be poured, steel and iron can be melted and poured into any mold -- stone can be chiseled -- but man is moulded thought upon thought -- act upon act. He is the architect of his own soul.

Both capital and labor are releasing continual vibrations of discord and confusion upon the inhabitants of this world and adding to the present day difficulties, making adjustment impossible. This great problem of not only human happiness and security, human existence, can never be answered in the strikes of the laborers, nor in the greed of the employers as they continually raise prices to meet the new labor demands. With the rise of prices comes new need to strike again and yet again for more pay to exist. Thus a vicious circle is in motion that will destroy the culture and civilization of our age unless vision begins to penetrate into the darkness, and selfishness and greed and the prejudices and hates are eliminated through an understanding of just what is being done.

Every man who contributes of his time and strength to any labor whatsoever has the right to live in happiness and security regardless of how humble his task. He has the right, if he gives of his abilities, to have his needs supplied and to be free from want and fear. He has the right to share in the profits of his labor, not in miserable, beggerly "two-bit" Christmas bonuses, but in all profits.

With such a business organization, or concern, every individual would always put his best into his work. He would feel that he belonged, and the very vibrations of congenial workmanship and co-operation going into such an establishment would begin to release the very blessings of heaven. The owner of such an establishment would indeed be the "greatest" for by his greatness "he would truly be the servant of all," or be "his brother's keeper." That is the only way a man can possibly be greater than his fellow men, is to become the great servant of all. Thus the greatest would receive the love and respect of every individual who ever heard of him, instead of being the recipient of hate, jealousy and distrust. He would receive a superior share in the profits with all the happiness and satisfaction life could possibly bestow. Thus would be established a universal brotherhood of understanding and good will.

There have been such industries. They have always been and always will be successful. This rule was lived in the City of Enoch "Where there were no poor among them." There were none unhappy. They all possessed wealth, happiness and security, and love for, and confidence in each other. The vibrations released by human beings working under such a system could glorify a community and a people -- and if expanded far enough -- a world.

This law of co-operation is an unwritten law-- yet, if it is not accepted, the prophecy of Orson Pratt concerning England shall soon be fulfilled; "The poor shall rise against the rich, and their storehouses and their fine mansions shall be pillaged, their merchandise and their gold and their silver and their rich treasures shall be plundered. Then shall the lords and the nobles and the merchants of the land, and all in high places, be brought down and shall sit in the dust and howl for the miseries that shall come upon them." Orson Pratt prophesied this over a hundred years ago, concerning England, and unless they repent, as he warned, it will be fulfilled as surely as God lives, and it will be fulfilled in every city and land and business and industry that does not repent and begin to work toward a greater day of righteousness and understanding.

This spirit of understanding and co-operation of capital and labor is the very opposite of Communism. It is not enslaving a people to exalt the few, or the nation, or to build up a great concern or government at the price of individual submersion. The true law of God for a church, an establishment or a nation is to assist in glorifying the individuals, not the few who stand at the head, not the church, or the nation, but every humble member of society. No church or nation is greater than the individuals who make it up and of which it is constructed. Churches that use the members to glorify the church, business concerns that use the employees only to build up the business or give wealth to its head, or nations that enslave the people to build up the nation will fall. The very vibrations released in such a procedure will bring nothing but ultimate unhappiness, calamities and ruin to all concerned.

The only possible way a nation can become the greatest nation on the earth is to be the greatest servant of mankind, to seek to bring happiness and security to the entire human race, with all selfish politics eliminated. The only way any church could possibly be the greatest church would be to bring the greatest love, light, glory and power into the lives of its members, as it assists each person to reach his own highest manifestation and fulfill his own perfection. And the only way any man could become the greatest would be to become "the greatest servant of the human race." To give more love, more understanding, more kindness, more confidence and greater satisfaction would be the only way to become the greatest on earth -- Christ fulfilling that law in all its perfection, was the greatest.

Thus the only greatness that can be achieved by any individual, church, business or nation is the attempt, the ability and the work of lifting the sons and daughters of God to a higher level of happiness, understanding and progress. This alone of all the works of man is lasting. This alone fulfills all the laws and all the promises. "This is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."5 To assist in this work is the only possible way to become "the greatest." Christ did more for the human race than any other since the world began. And throughout all generations of time the good He sowed will go on bearing fruits. And so it is with every truly great man, "Their works follow them." Lift your fellowmen and you are assisting in lifting the whole world into a higher bracket of existence.

Another unwritten law is a law that would restrict "braggarts" and "gossips" from stripping the flesh from the spiritual frames of their associates to feed their own over-stuffed egos. He who feasts on the weaknesses or imagined failings of his fellow beings is an "accuser" or devil. He may not mean to be. He may only be trying to find his place in the sun -- but he is endeavoring to be great without comprehending the laws of "greatness," and the very breaking of these laws bring misery and disappointments.

It does not matter what one does, what he knows, who he is, or what he possess -- it only matters what he IS. And he is the vibrations of all the thoughts and emotions he has released into eternity.

He who cheats his neighbor out of a dime may be selling his own soul for that dime. He may also be selling the soul of his neighbor, for he may awake thoughts of discord that will ripen into malice and hate, and thus his neighbor will create continual vibrations of confusion and where the injuries end we cannot yet possibly know.

Doctors who grow rich from the suffering of humanity, who have gathered their wealth from the anguished, agonized pains and physical suffering of their fellowmen will perish with their gains. Lawyers who grow fat on the misunderstandings or injustices of mankind will have none to defend them.

Men who lust after gold, or fame, or a woman's lips to whom they have no right, or the most dangerous of all lusts, the lust for power over their fellowmen, are creating an everlasting horror of regret unless they can repent and overcome such weaknesses, for they are all of the lower kingdom of existence and have no place in the realms of light. And thus it is possible for man to be a creator of darkness and confusion as well as a creator of glory and light.

The sneer of the righteous can truly be more wicked than the transgressions of the sinner. A sneer can pierce the heart like a two-edged sword. It can kill the soul. It is a murderous weapon that only persons with undeveloped vision and understanding could possibly stoop to use. It can be more deadly in its sting than the fangs of a rattler. Yes, it is true that a sneer is only an expression of the face -- but behind the sneer are belittling vibrations that are more deadly than poison and more injurious to the souls of men than many weapons. No one could possibly sneer who truly loved his fellow men -- love, the great balm; love, the tender, compassionate healing fluid of eternal light. Yea, he who loves his fellow men instead of himself would rather perish than set a tiny shadow of a sneer across his face, or a belittling smile.

These higher laws must be understood and lived by those who wish to survive the days ahead -- they will have to be lived by those who remain to welcome the Redeemer of the world when He appears in His glory. These are the laws of the millennium -- if you can apply them in your own life, then you may be assured that you are ready for the greatest advent of this earth -- "For when He appears, we are to be like Him."6 If you think you cannot live these laws, yet desire to that you might have a part in the great and glorious new day which is ahead -- then let that desire grow -- as it grows in your heart it will bring the power of fulfillment. This is not a book to be read -- it is a book written under the hand and inspiration of the Almighty -- and is a book to be lived. Live these laws and you will know the truth and power of them. Break these laws and you will reap the consequence of the vibrations you send forth.

Back of every condition is vibration, and back of every vibration that caused the condition are thoughts of individuals, communities, countries or of a world. Selfish, wicked thoughts of men and nations cause wars and earthquakes and disasters, and the poverty and unhappiness that exists in this world today. God does not bring calamities. Men bring them. Men who are created in the likeness and image of God, and who have been given the great power of thought, men who can create anything, any condition. And men themselves will have to bring to pass the new condition of light and glory by beginning to understand their own powers of thought. Vibrations and the thoughts that sent the vibration into action are the eternal realities. And ere long we will be dealing entirely with the realities.

It is possible to tune in on the higher vibrations of faith and the realm of celestial glory and it is also possible to learn to hold one's thoughts on that vibration level of glory and light. When one learns to hold his place in that realm or "on the beam" of those glorious vibrations he also helps to create and strengthen the vibrations of light and spirituality that compose the very kingdom of Almighty God. Thus he not only has the power to assist in balancing and ruling and glorifying this world, but also has power to reach out into the realms of eternity and leave his mark and influence while still a humble mortal man. Thoughts and vibrations, longings and desires are the true realities. Loves and hates are factors that are so far beyond man's present comprehension that he would stand trembling in fear at the very thought of discord if he only understood. Thoughts mingled with emotions are the creators of vibrations, and vibrations are the cause of all conditions. Control thought and only glorious vibrations will emanate from you, and the elements and all earthly conditions will eventually bow in subjection at your feet and will obey your commands.

Eternal value is not so much in action as in the vibration accompanying the action. Those deep, unanalyzed purposes hidden within us must be observed, checked and controlled. Only by a continual self-analysis can we progress along the highway of perfection. When we get to the point where we know it all and can no longer be taught or learn anything new, we are damned, and progress for us is stopped. For those who have reached this point the treasures of the eternal storehouse of knowledge is locked and sealed. For those who keep their minds, hearts and souls wide open knowledge and more knowledge, light and more light, and power and more power will be as much a part of existence as breathing and speaking. Only humble, open minds and hearts can keep in contact with the Light. And Light is the full perfection of all vibration.

We may be amazed to find that we have often lied to ourselves, and learned to believe our own lies. But we will never be able to lie to God. We will stand before Him the completed vibrations of our motives and our thoughts, our desires and our hopes, or our hidden degenerate lusts we have fostered. We will stand for all the world to read -- our own book of life.

We will be astonished to find that it is not so much what we have done, but how we have done it; not what we possess in money, talents, knowledge, fame or power, or who we are -- but WHAT we are.

The greatest tribute we can possibly pay to God, or the greatest vibrations we can possibly release from within us is to offer an ascending flame of love and devotion, "For the prayers of the saints ascend as incense before the Lord." (Rev. 5:8 and 8:3). Incense must be lighted before its essence is released. The soul and heart of man must be lighted by love, desire or deep feeling to be released as incense before the Lord. Lip prayers have no meaning, send out no vibrations, and are wasted.

Love is the ruling power in the realms of eternal light. Love is the most powerful vibration that can possibly be released from a human heart. Love is allied with joy and happiness and light -- thus to love God and our fellowmen fulfills all the laws and truly keeps all the commandments. It casts out fear. It casts out hate, jealousy, pride and prejudice. It conquers darkness, ignorance, discord, disease and holds the keys of eternal happiness here and forever more.

Learn to control vibrations by controlling thoughts and you will hold the keys of eternal life in your hands. The eternal energy surging through all matter, the power of existence in atoms with their whirling molecules and electrons in all earthly substances are nothing more or less than vibrations condensed to the point of slow, heavy, mortal tangibility. Control vibrations and the power to control substance and material energy will eventually be given, that is, the keys of handling eternal life, for energy IS life. And life and light and love and energy are the eternal elements and are vibrations created by mental thinking.

Every thought sent forth is a never ending vibration winging its way across the universe to bring us back just what we sent forth. We can control the vibrations that emanate from us -- and we can thereby control our destinies.

Thus science and religion can at last join hands and step across into the spiritual realm of eternal progress and happiness together. One reaches the higher knowledge through a complete understanding of the material elements which melt into light and energy and vibration through investigation; the other through its direct search into the spiritual, for both the material and spiritual are one, expressed in varied degrees of intensity and vibration.



1. RLDS D&C 90:5d-5f: And every man whose spirit receiveth not the light is under condemnation, for man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receiveth a fullness of joy; and when separated, man cannot receive a fullness of joy. The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples; and whatsoever temple is defiled, God shall destroy that temple. return to paragraph →

2. Revelation 12:9-10 IVB: And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ; For the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. return to paragraph →

3. Moroni 7:5 RLDS 1908 Book of Mormon: For behold, God hath said, A man being evil, can not do that which is good; for if he offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real intent, it profiteth him nothing. return to paragraph →

4. RLDS D&C 50:6e: but no man is possessor of all things, except he be purified and cleansed from all sin; and if ye are purified and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus, and it shall be done: return to paragraph →

5. RLDS D&C 22:23b: and there is no end to my works, neither to my words; for this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality, and eternal life of man. return to paragraph →

6. 1 John 3:2 IVB: Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

Moroni 7:53 RLDS 1908 Book of Mormon: Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son Jesus Christ, that ye may become the sons of God, that when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is, that we may have this hope, that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen. return to paragraph →